Friday, September 24, 2010

If Only Boots and Jeans Showed Up on My Doorstep...

As you can tell from my last blog, I classify myself as outdoorsy. I like camping, kayaking, and shooting things. Judge me all you want, but I also like the taste of Copenhagen between my cheek and gum. I think this may stem from my roots as a country, not Podunk, boy. Yes, I do wear my half-quill Ostrich ropers and my wranglers whenever I can, but not because I am a conforming frat-guy, rather because it’s the only logical thing to wear when you go dove hunting or horseback riding! All that said, I absolutely loathe shopping for boots and jeans. Even if I were given a blank check to go buy boots, I am hesitant to get excited. It all started with the ever-so-popular western wear chain, Cavender’s Boot Company.

            Too much of a good thing is a great thing, right? Not always. Imagine this… I walk into a Cavender’s, looking to buy some boots and jeans, and I am greeted by a cute, twenty-something year-old girl, dressed in her boots and jeans, smiling with a little twinkle in her eye. Then, she asks me (she talked to me!?) if I needed any help finding what I needed. (Of course, I suavely told her that I may have just found exactly what I was looking for. Ok, maybe not.) This was a pretty good start to my Cavender’s experience. I was ready to buy a nice pair of boots to show off to the girl who seemed so interested in my shopping experience. Before I knew it, another girl begins the same twinkle-in-the-eye routine. Either I am just bringing my A-game today or I am completely missing something. Soon thereafter, my luck changes as a similarly dressed man begins the same routine (with a little less twinkle). And it dawns on me. The people walking around with their boots and jeans, their twinkle in their eyes, and their desire to help are being paid to help me! They are sales associates.
            Now, people asking to help me are no longer flattering, but a bit annoying. I try to decide what boots I like, in my own mind, but I can’t get away from the 5 associates nipping at my heels, competing to earn a commission. All I want is my privacy to look around! How did all those eager helpers lead to me hating my experience at Cavender’s?
            Before I go back to bashing my Cavender’s experience. Let me give credit where credit is due. What they did do extremely well is perfect the “Relate” aspect of the Strategic Experiential Module. Every employee that I encountered at Cavender’s was dressed like someone I could see myself dressed as, or dressed as someone I could see myself dating! They each even had on their own unique cowboy hat, which I have never been bold enough to buy, but let’s be honest, I can relate to wanting one. They are absolutely catering themselves towards the audience that they are looking to reach. Cavender’s also did really well at accomplishing the “Sense” aspect of the module discussed in class. The atmosphere of the store was very comforting. The walls, the decoration, the floors, they all subtly conveyed the feeling of southern hospitality. Cavender’s was decorated the way that I would want my future hill-country dream home to be decorated. Two-for-two thus far, but not for long.
            Where Cavender’s messed up is where I initially thought they did really well… their customer service. They were incredible helpful. But then almost too helpful. And then, they were absolutely smothering you with help to a point of discomfort. When I go shopping, especially clothes shopping, I don’t enjoy myself. I want to get in and get out. I work best alone. If someone is always by my side, telling me what would or wouldn’t look good, or trying to sell me a shirt that would look good with my boots (up-selling is the worst), I get antsy and uncomfortable. But when I move past discomfort and straight into sheer anger is when the nagging help is unavoidable. When there are 5 associates on you like white on rice. Help is great, when you need it. But when I don’t need help, it is almost offensive to me to be asked 10 times if I needed to know where to find something… do I really look that lost and confused?

            I must admit, although I didn’t thoroughly enjoy my time at Cavender’s, I did buy a pair of boots… and jeans… and like 3 pairs of socks. I told you, I hate shopping, I wasn’t about to go to another store and waste more time. But, I think if Cavender’s made an effort to reduce the amount of in-your-face assistance and merely make knowledgeable associates available to be asked for help (NOT VICE-VERSA), then it would be a top-tier store in my book. Until then, I am have to plan out covert strategies for shopping trips to buy my jeans!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bobby,

    Interesting post. I completely understand your experience at Cavender's Boot Company. One of the popular research topics among retailing scholars is to investigate how much is the optimal care for their customers. Mere presence? or Active assistance? That may depend upon the purpose of shopping, personality traits, and/or some cultural differences. If you have a chance to visit some Asian countries, you'll see the shopping experience in retail stores is completely different from what it is in US. Salesperson will be (and supposed to be) super attentive to you from the moment you walked into the store. As you suggested, help is great perhaps only when the shopper need it. It is indeed a delicate skill. Enjoyed your experience and thoughts!
